Viewing Finalised Transactions within the eZeePOS app

There may be a scenario after finalising a transaction where you will need to view this transactions information, maybe to see what items were sold, or how much was tendered. Thankfully with eZeePOS this can be done with ease.

To do this, you will first need to sign on as one of the employees. Once signed on and in Register Mode, you will want to press the 3 stacked dots at the top right of the screen. Press the option [Other Options]. This will open up a new menu with another set of options. From this list, choose the option which says [View Finalised Transactions].

On the new screen you should now see a list of previous finalized transactions. You can swipe up and down to scroll through all of the transactions. Once you find the transaction you want to view, simply tap on it and this will show you the transaction details.

You also have the option to reprint the receipt by pressing the [PRINT RECEIPT] button at the bottom of the transaction window which will print a copy of the receipt from your receipt printer.

Along the top bar of the list of finalised transactions there are a few filter options which will narrow down which transactions show in the list or in which order the transactions show.

The first option available is Change Sort Order. Pressing this will give you a list of options, which will determine what order the transactions will show in. The options you can choose from are:

  • – Description
  • – Clerk Name
  • – Creation Time
  • – Display Value

You just need to choose one of these options and the sort order will change to the one you have selected.

The next filter option is [Filter By Date]. This option will allow you to select a date and only transactions finalized on that date will show in the list. This is useful for when you are looking for a transaction for a specific date.

To do this, press the [Filter By Date] button and then on the new window that appears, select the date you wish to view the transactions for.

The final filter option available is [Filter By Clerk]. This is similar to the Filter By Date option, except instead of choosing a date, you choose a clerk, and this will show all the transactions made by that specific clerk.

To do this, press the [Filter By Clerk] button and in the new window that appears, choose the employee you want to view the transactions for.