Getting Started with eZeePOS

Welcome to the getting started section of eZeePOS. These first few sections will cover the initial setup of eZeePOS and how to get started.

eZeePOS is downloadable via the iMin App Store. In order to run eZeePOS you will need Android version 7.1 or higher. Once the app is downloaded, load this, and once the splash-screen has loaded, you will be taken to a screen with a Machine ID. You will need to give this to your reseller, who will get the machine activated for you and the eZeePOS tenant setup.

Once you have had confirmation that the tenant is setup and the terminal activated, you can begin setting up your program. The majority of programming for eZeePOS is done on the eZeePOS Office Cloud website. The URL for this is

Please click here to learn how to setup your shop in the eZeePOS Cloud Office.