eZeePOS Office Stock – Recipes

There may be some products that when sold you will want the stock to be deduced from another product. This is where recipes come in to action. These can be setup in eZeePOS Office to do exactly this. To setup a recipe, you will first want to navigate to Maintenance -> Products -> Recipes. On this new screen, click New Recipe at the top left and you will be taken to the below screen:

When first setting up the recipe, above the description field will be a Product for Recipe box. This allows for you to search for the product which will be sold. For example, if we had a glass of wine and the stock came from a bottle of wine, the Product for Recipe would be the glass of wine, so this is what we would select for this field. The description can be set to anything wish this to be.

Underneath this we have the Ingredients section. This is what makes up the recipe, and where the stock will be deducted from. To add the ingredients, click the button that says Add and this will add a new line.

After this click Lookup, and this will open a new box which will allow you to search for the product/ ingredient. Once located, click this and then click Select. Your ingredient should now have been added to the ingredients list. What we can do now is tell eZeePOS Office how much of the stock will be used from this ingredient when the recipe product is sold.

In the above example, we have a 125ML glass of wine as the recipe product, and this will be poured from our Bourdeaux bottle, which is the ingredient. If the bottle of wine is 1 litre and the glass is 125ML, the Qty Size 1 field want want to be 0.1250.

Further to this, you may have different glass/ product sizes, so there are 2 more Qty Size fields for those different sizes. After all the needed ingredients have been entered, click Save. Now anytime the recipe product is sold, rather than deducting stock from itself, it will deduct stock from the ingredients instead