For multi-site businesses your eZeePos Office suite is the hub to business performance indicators.

Sales Reporting
The combination of eZeePos & eZeePos Office offers a wealth of sales reports which are constantly been updated real-time, ensuring that any report you take is ‘bang up to date’.
The combination of eZeePos & eZeePos Office offers a wealth of sales reports which are constantly been updated real-time, ensuring that any report you take is ‘bang up to date’.
Whether you are looking at Financial sales information, Staff Performance, Stock Valuations or Profit reports the eZeePos suite provides you with the management tools to make fast decisions about your business performance.
For multi-site businesses your eZeePos Office suite is the hub to business performance indicators. Whether you are looking at a bird’s eye view of all your businesses or drilling into a specific business or indeed an individual POS terminal.
Sales Alerts
Sales alerts are an intrinsic part of system alerts built into eZeePos Office. With real-time monitoring of refunds, voids you can keep ahead of staff operations as they happen, helping to reduce shrinkage within your business.
End Of Day Reporting
End of day reporting couldn’t be simpler either instigated at POS terminal level or via eZeePos Office. Again, reports can be taken on individual terminal or consolidated terminals at POS level.
Just some of the key features available for eZeePos:-
Floating Operators & Tabs I Dynamic Screen Set-Up I Remote Services I Promotions I Food Allergens I Price Levels
Always Up To Date
Your POS system is always up to date with eZeePos Back Office.
Range Reports
Select a range of reporting
dates, Today, Yesterday, Month or report range.
Terminal Reports
Drill into actual terminal information across your multiple branches.
Location Reports
Drill into individual locations, profitability per location etc.
For more information on key sectors and product suitability see links:-
Café Bistro
Bars and Wine Bars
Fast Food
Contract Catering
Mobile Catering